Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The title explains it ;)

I walked past the bathroom and saw this scene...teenage girls. I was one of those once...

Give a boy some tape...and he will attach a flashlight to a nerf gun...

We "liked" a page on FB called Little Helpers. It is a charity organization that puts together volunteer events for kids.  This was our first event.  The Memphis Food Bank provided a list of food for volunteers to buy, and some other company donated a bunch of backpacks.  The bags were going to be given to kids who qualify for school lunches but probably don't get much to eat on the weekends.   How "reality just slapped me in the face" is that? Of course that hits very close to home. Anyway, the kids grabbed a bag at the beginning of the line and went through stuffing them. Once they filled one, they could start back over, until all the bags were filled. Jacob really got into it and picked stuff HE likes :)


  1. love the teenage girl pic. that is hilarious. How awesome that you all are volunteering? That is so great/sad that programs like that are needed. Love the boy and can't wait to see you all!

  2. The backpack food thing is sad/awesome. So glad it exists and that Jacob got to help!

    Please get more teenage girls in their natural habitat pictures. It looks exhausting to be a teenage girl. I like adulthood so much better.
