Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shoes With Bones!!

Jacob and I went shoe shopping-actually it was for me, but the boy LOVES to buy new shoes for himself.  He wanders to his section, pulls out shoes and holds them sole-to-sole to his feet to see if they will fit. Totally cute, or potentially gay, I am not sure which yet... Anyway, I digress. When he pulled these out, I hear him yell "Bones! These shoes have bones!" As I make my way over to him, I realize he is talking about the cardboard shape thingys inside the shoes. I laugh with the worker, then help him try them on (since he does in fact need some summer sandals).  As he is walking around in them, trying them out for comfort, he asks, "if we buy these, do I get to keep the bones?"  Yes, baby, of course you do.