Saturday, January 22, 2011


From the looks of it, this pic was taken in October (thus the pumpkin in the background), but I just found it on my camera yesterday when I decided to erase some the pics on the card. Morgan came over one day to play, spotted Jacob's handsome (if not worn out), homemade Ghostbuster shirt and proceeded to do what Morgan does best-make you want to give her everything in the world by sounding pitiful: "I wish I had a Ghostbuster shirt..."  By the way, this is why tie-died shirts were made in Knoxville during Thanksgiving break, why she usually comes home from being with Aunt Shae with a new something- I am just weak for it.  I guess it is because my child has a much different tactic when it comes to getting what he wants, and it is, shall we say, less enduring....Anyway, I am a sucker for my Morgie Porgie!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE both of these two little people!!!

P.S.  Morgan wore this shirt to school a couple days later. That's why I love her. Not afraid to rock it!!!

P.S.S. Free advice: every mom should add some of the "iron on transfer" paper for your printer and a pack of plain white t-shirts to their "back to school" shopping list in August. These items are great for those random days when your child comes home with a note stating he or she is supposed to come dressed as-insert random person here-the next day...and you don't have the time, desire, or money to go out during a non-costume clothing-available month to hunt down something appropriate for your child to wear.


  1. i love them, too!! I want a ghostbuster shirt!

  2. This is my favorite blog post in a while- from everyone's blogs I read! They are adorable. The picture truly captures their preciousness. I need a Ghostbuster shirt. I am TOTALLY going to remember the iron-on advice. And...I love tie-dye!
