Monday, July 25, 2016

Roo Paparazzi and other things

It's possible I take too many pictures of Mav....

 Hallie and I took him to Build a Bear one day.  I mean, the cuteness.

 Yogurt afterwards.  In both of these pics he is saying "Cheese!!" which results in this really goofy look.


 Basketball:  We joined a competitive league this summer, mainly to keep Jacob in shape for football.  I mean, he like basketball a lot, but football is the real love here.  So everything else in an ends to a mean.

 Boy basketball style.  Disturbing..

 One of the boy's little sister was bored so I let her watch YouTube videos on my phone.  When I got home I found this selfie  ;)

 The crew this summer:  Beau in the back, (L to R) Miles, Michael, Jacob.  Only person missing is Julian because he was sick a lot this summer.  Turns out he had a hernia!!  It was crazy.

 Jacob is a big Steph Curry fan, which makes the Warriors his fave team.  Well, his old love, Kevin Durant, has now joined the Warriors so he was just beside himself.

 Cutting off his backpack tag that had his car rider number (that we never used) and "North Walker" tag.  That has been on there for all of elementary school.  Sadness.

 Looking good at the eye check up.

 Football camp.  He's in there somewhere...I didn't stand outside long enough to find him...

 Our yard has tons of trees so it isn't good for a garden (not enough sunlight plus a MILLION squirrels.).  Hallie's yard does not, plus it's huge, so Jon has built a garden there.  Here is his first jalapeno pepper.

 I took Jacob and friend Teagan to Get Air (which is a trampoline park, etc).  There is also a Hurricane machine thing that the boy wanted to try.  It was goofy.  Not strong at all.  What a shock.

We visited the family in Knox!

 I love how the kids warm up to us instantly even though we only see them about once a year.

 Aunt Debbie ordered ribs and baked potatoes from Outback.  Which resulted in a lot of butter and sour cream.

 In our hotel.

 We were going to go to Dollywood but Morgan hates rides, and Jacob is kind of lazy when it comes to waling around and standing in line.  So Grammy told them they could take their money to the mall if they wanted, so they did...and bought shoes.  They were thrilled.  Literally.  I am not exaggerating.  I guess we have reached that stage in their preteen lives....


 Reese had an alphabet book and would point to a picture and ask Michael what letter the animal name started with.  When he answered, she would say, "Good job!"

 Eating at Tom & Chee, a restuarant we saw on Shark Tank.  There is macaroni and cheese IN the grilled cheese sandwich.

 We both randomly had watermelon pjs.

 Our friends own a donut shop in Collierville.  They started selling tshirts.  Jon was so excited.  He LOVES getting tshirts from places.

 Jacob and I randomly stopped at an actual restaurant for lunch one day.  It was nice.

 The tongue.

 Father's day shirt.

 Building with blocks.  Yes I did take a lot of pics...

 Jon came home from working 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. one day and cut down the dead limbs from a tree. In the middle of a Memphis summer day.  Of course he did.

 So I actually worked at the donut shop our friends own this summer.  It was a great and fun little part time job to earn some summer spending money.  Well, toward the middle of the summer, the owner, our good friend, lost his mom to cancer.  We, my fellow employees and I, decided instead of flowers we would get this cute little table and chairs one of the girls happened to see at Hobby Lobby a week before.  Rick (friend and owner) has a little section for kids already, with blocks and a few games, so this was perfect.  We had a little name plate added on the back of one of the chairs. Then we took pics of it and put it in a frame for the funeral to surprise him (which is what that is above).  He cried.  It is really awesome seeing kids sit at the table and eat their donuts and color.  I love giving something other than flowers at a funeral.

 One of my friends has a pool that we try to mooch off of as much as possible.  One day she asked me, "want me to get the fan?" Sure... and then she comes dragging this huge thing behind her.  Who has a fan this big???

 Overlap of sports here.  Football on the left, basketball on the right.

Jacob's good friend Julian's grandparents live around the corner from me.  We also try to mooch off of them whenever possible.

 After 4 hours of swimming.

 Jacob is on the float.  Goober.

 Let's see, I think Noah is holding Beau up on the left, and Jacob is holding Miles up on the right.

Random pic of the post:  We were driving down a street we very rarely go down, and Jacob screamed, "Stop! We have to get out and take a picture! That Walgreens isn't on a corner!!"


  1. I didn't even know Walgreens was allowed to not be on a corner?!!?

    So glad you guys came to visit, but it needs to be longer!

    Mav and Jacob holding hands= love.

    The table at the donut place!!!!!!!!! That is genius. It causes me physical distress to spend money on flowers for anyone when I can get them something practical and more meaningful.

  2. i LOVE TO READ YOUR POST. Even if it does mean I have to see Jakey growing up - oh my. I don't see enough of him and wish we lived closer
