Sunday, August 9, 2015

 Jon took Jacob and two of his friends on a bike ride.

 Gonzo protecting his bone from Maggie (it's under his paw).  We give them both one, but she only wants whichever one he has.

 Jacob reading the book I made Maverick with all of our pictures and names in it.

 Football camp.

 I still keep Cortizone in my purse because if Morgan gets bit by something it swells up like crazy.

 Is there anything cuter than a crawling diaper booty??

 He crawled right up on my dad's lap, even though he hasn't seen him in probably a year.

 Eating. And then eating some more.  I could not keep up with these boys this summer.

 He went through a phase when he made this face a lot.  Like, "what are you talking about??"

 Jacob's friend from Pre-K, Ben, who is in the center, is moved away.  His mom threw him a going away party.

 Maverick watching Golden Girls.

 I couldn't find Gonzo one day.  Then I flipped that blanket back and found this.  Spoiled.

 An old coffee cup I still have I got from high school graduation.

 Jacob has decided to get his own cart at the grocery store.  I have to veto many things before we get to the check out...

 Just eating some icecream from the carton.  It was probably almost midnight.  That's how we roll in the summer.

 He sprained his foot at practice.  First ice bath of the season.

 Thank goodness for Uncle Bubba's old walker.  Jon had injured his calf muscle a few weeks earlier and used it also.

 I was trying to fold laundry.  He had been completely content just before I started.  Once I sat he had to be right there.  Took me back ;)

 Then he became enthralled with a pair of Jacob's (clean) underwear.  At least I was able to fold the rest.

 Jacob's friends are just like him-they can't keep up with ANYTHING.


 She's so scared of Jacob (even though he never bothers her).  But this one night it was like she forgot.

 Got Jacob a new chair for his room off a Facebook resale page.  He loves it.

 Jacob, Beau, Alex.  Swinging at the park.  Goobers.

 They BEG me to take them to Patton Computers- a store that sells (obviously) computers, etc.  They have a few random video game stations set up.  I'm sure this is for people to try out in order to buy them.  Probably not so that a random woman brings her son and his friend up there to play and sit on the floor with no intention of ever purchasing...That's Beau driving, Jacob lying down.  On the floor.  Bc I'm mom of the year.

 I don't know what he was doing.  Just being cute.

 "Mom! Take our pic so we can post it on Instagram and say 'Taste the Rainbow!' "
That's Beau above, Jacob below.

 Hallie wanted one of these and Mom, Facebook resale stalker that she is, found one for her.  We picked it up and took it out for a spin.  That's Alex pulling him above.

 This is my wagon.  It folds up.  It's awesome.  I love it.

That day we decided that going zip lining at Shelby Farms would be a great idea.  Even though we were told it would take at least 2 hours and had heard from an ex-army friend of mine that it was "very tough.''  Well, it was very tough.  It was divided into 6 sections, each section having a serious of (CRAZY) obstacles that lead to a zip line at the end of it.  We zipped across the lake 4 times, and then into crazy rope nets the other 2.  But getting to those zip lines was CRAZY.  Michael and I thought we were at the end when we were about to zip on the 5th section (because we were so deliriously tired we couldn't keep track anymore).  When we realized we still had one more CRAZY section of obstacles to get through, we tried to bribe them to skip it.  They would not have it.  All together it took us 3 hours (because it was a little crowded so we had to wait for people in front of us to finish, sort of like Putt Putt, except CRAZY).