Friday, March 18, 2011

The Week of Glasses

This spring break, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Vince, Melissa, and Anderson came to Memphis for a visit and stayed with us. It was SO MUCH FUN. Jacob literally counted down the days. He helped me clear a space in his room for Anderson's pack 'n play, he made the pack 'n play more comfy by adding a blanket, pillow, stuffed monkey and a book, and helped he dig out toys of his toddler days from the attic.  Thanks to 2nd counsin Melissa's AWESOMENESS, he totally started getting along with her like he sees her everyday. She jumped on the trampoline with him, challenged him to all sorts of crazy contests, and constantly complimented him on his various ideas. And of course he loved Aunt Debbie and Uncle Vince (and the fact that they brought him a present had NOTHING to do with that!).  He graciously gave up his room, sacrificing by having to sleep on an air mattress in our bedroom (it was a tough decision for him, truly).   It was just a great visit!!

That last one we are all going through Jelly Bellies, duh. We can't have a family get together without eating junk. And these next two are of something REALLY nasty on the buffet at the restaurant, where we were of course eating trash (haha, inside joke).  Jacob wanted me to save it for show and tell. I got him to settle on a picture...Thank God...

And finally, what would a get together be among our family if there wasn't a random issue to crop up. This get together's issue was....drum roll please...bad eyesight!! TADA!!!  Of course everyone knows about poor Anderson's ordeal with his cateract (sp?).  Part of the visit for Melissa and Anderson involved going to the Southern College of Optometry, where my mom works, to get Anderson some glasses using her awesome discount. Well, not to be outdone, this past Saturday, 3 days before everyone was coming in town, I noticed Jacob squinting while we were playing "Guess Who."  For those of you who have never played, the game board actually stands up vertically, which means it is really close to your face.  This is important-quiz will follow. I called my mom and told her I thought I should maybe bring him in for a checkup (and to give my mom her due, she has been nagging me to do this since Jacob was born. Babies get free checkups at her place, and many others through the    program-check it out, seriously).  Anyway, Sunday, Jacob was reading something from a workbook that was lying on an end table while he was standing above it (again, this will be on the quiz).  This time he did not squint at all, and so I figured the squinting thing the day before was just him being a 6 year old (you know, goofy and random).  So when Mom called me Monday to tell me there was a cancellation at 1:30, I swear if it wasn't going to be free, and if we hadn't been on spring break, I would not have gone. But since it was free, and we were on spring break, I decided, what the heck. Well, in the words of the doctor, it turns out that Jacob is "a good bit far-sighted." Translated this means that he was squinting while playing the game because it was close up, and not squinting while reading from the height of the low end table because it was far away (far-sighted means he can see better far away, not so great close up).  To say the least I was completely shocked. I had not even told my husband that we even had an appointment!!  So on Friday, after Anderson got home in Knoxville, he and his mom picked up his glasses, while coincidentally, Jacob and I were picking up his.  In a couple weeks we will see each other again and get a shot of both of them together. But for right now, you have to settle for this one of Jacob by himself:
He picked out the frames and he LOVES them. You may be thinking, "oh, I guess green is his fave color," but no, red is.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the logic of a BOY.  My cutie.

P.S.  He asked me SEVERAL times before everyone arrived if Lily was coming. Can't wait till April 8th!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mom of a 6 & 1/2 Year Old Boy Means...

Other than constantly stepping on legos, being the mom of a boy means this:
random action figures hanging from your cabinets.
And this:

random things stuck to decorative tables with magnets.